NoSQL Roadshow Amsterdam 2012

Presentation: "Why distributed databases suck, and what to do about it - regaining consistency"

Time: Thursday 12:30 - 13:15 / Location: Room 1

The CAP theorem has opened our minds to the advantages of sacrificing consistency on the altar of availability. But by abandoning the straight path of transactions, you risk losing the users' trust in the correctness of your data. This is why choosing, knowing and communicating your consistency model is more important than ever.

This talk explains consistency concepts of distributed systems ranging from extreme write availability to 2PC. The goal is, that you walk away with an understanding of how to choose a consistency model, and understand the necessity of different consistency concepts for different business problems. We'll also touch upon how some popular distributed NoSQL databases like Riak, Cassandra, CouchDB/Base and MongoDB support consistency.


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Kresten Krab Thorup, CTO of Trifork

Kresten Krab Thorup

Biography: Kresten Krab Thorup

Kresten Krab Thorup is CTO of Trifork, a public Danish company providing software solutions to government and financial services providers. Trifork is also creator of the long-running GOTO Conferences (formerly known as JAOO), and co-creator of QCon. As Trifork CTO Kresten in responsible for technical strategy, and spends most of the time acting as internal consultant, researching future technologies, as well as being editor for JAOO and QCon conferences. Kresten has also been a principal contributor to Trifork's own Java EE certified application server "Trifork T4", where he authored the built-in CORBA ORB, a custom Java RMI implementation (now part of Apache Yoko), the transaction manager, the database connection management system, and the Java byte code rewriting subsystem.

Kresten has been a contributor to several open source projects, including GCC, GNU Objective-C, GNU Compiled Java, Emacs, and Apache Geronimo/Yoko. Before joining Trifork, Kresten worked at NeXT Software (now acquired by Apple), where he was responsible for the development of the Objective-C tool chain, the debugger, and the runtime system. Kresten was on the committee for JSR-14 (adding generics to Java) which was closely related to the subject of his Ph.D. thesis.

Most recently, Kresten has founded the Erjang open source project (notice the J there), a virtual machine for Erlang running on the Java Virtual Machine.

Twitter: @drkrab